BuonMenu Blog

Easily manage the menu of the day with the archive function

Using a digital menu like BuonMenu, it is easy to manage a menu that changes frequently, like the menu of the day.

First of all you can use BuonMenu to create multiple menus: for example you can create a "Menu of the day" separate from the "Menu à la carte".

Then, inside the menu of the day, you can create some categories and add all the dishes that you usually offer during the week.

Finally, each day, you can use the "Archive" and "Restore" button, on each product, in order to make it visible or hide it from the menu.

Basically, inside the digital menu, you can keep a catalogue of all the dishes, but then you show only some dishes to the customers (i.e. the dishes that are available that day).

If you have different needs, like a "cycle menu", you can decide to create multiple menus, one for each day (e.g. "Menu - Sunday", "Menu - Monday", etc.) and then "Archive" and "Restore" an entire menu, based on the current day.

Note that the "Archive" and "Restore" functions offered by BuonMenu can be used on a single item, or on entire categories and menus.

Thanks to the "Archive" and "Restore" buttons, you don't have to rewrite a new menu each time: you can simply hide or show the items and save a lot of time.

This is even more useful when the items include detailed descriptions, ingredients, allergens, images, labels, variants or other details that would be hard to rewrite each time.

Using BuonMenu you can get rid of paper menus: you can simply use the QR code and never print a menu again.