BuonMenu Blog

Add a restaurant menu to Instagram

So you have an Instagram page for your restaurant? You keep posting beautiful pictures of your dishes and you have many people following you there: wouldn't be great to turn your followers into customers? Here's how you can attach a dynamic, online menu to your Instagram account.

Using BuonMenu.com you can easily create a beautiful online menu, rich of photos and information, and publish it online. Unlike your Instagram profile, which is just a collection of photos in random order, an online menu is a real menu, that can be even used as an alternative to the menu on paper in your restaurant. You will get a URL like this for your digital menu:


Then you can simply open the Instagram app on your smartphone, go to your profile and click Edit profile.

There's a field called Website where you can enter the URL of your digital menu.

Once you have saved your profile information, people will be able to see your menu directly from Instagram.

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